Thursday, June 18, 2009


My grandpa is in the hospital, he has been for a few weeks now after some complications with his knee replacement surgery. Last night, we (my dad, Jayden and I) went to visit and I was not prepared to see him so confused. It was so hard to see. My heart broke. I am at a loss right now. It's all I can think about. I worry about him so much. Due to Grandpa's confusion, the doctors are ordering a cat scan on Grandpa's brain to see if there are any blood clots or anything of that nature. Part of me is praying that there is nothing there, after all, nobody wants there to be anything wrong with a loved one, but part of me hopes that they can find something that is fixable and help him.

Thoughts and prayers are very much appreciated and needed.

1 comment:

photographs and memories said...

My thoughts are with you and your family.