Friday, June 12, 2009


Thank God It's Friday!!
I know, I know, since I technically don't have an out-of-the-home job, my days of the week shouldn't really matter considering I don't have a Monday through Friday, 9-5 schedule. But, I do enjoy my Friday's!
That means no alarm clock being set tomorrow (even though Jayden wakes up at the same time everyday, there is just something freeing about not having that ERRRNT-ERRRNT-ERRRNT buzzing every morning), or Sunday.
No juggling errands around when the bus will be coming.
No paranoid motherly worries such as, "What if somebody kidnaps Jayden from the school? What if he misses his bus and doesn't know what to do? What if somebody hurts Jayden? What if a bully is bothering him?"
I love that Friday nights, Jayden and I typically make dinner, watch movies and play games until bed time.
I love that Saturdays are usually a day of adventure, going different places, going to the store, taking a ride, etc...
And I love that Sunday is usually our day of rest. Relaxing around the house, getting things ready for the next week.
So yes, today is Friday and I am happy!
I am babysitting little 5 month old Alyvia today, then later on once her mommy gets out of work and she goes home, I am taking Jayden to get his haircut, then I am going to treat myself to a coffee or two, and maybe a magazine to read over the weekend.
But back to watching Alyvia! I am so excited about this! It has been a long time since I've been around little, tiny ones! I miss this stage so much, and since I never got to get to this stage with Liam, it's heartbreaking for me, but at the same time, I feel like I've missed so much, I'm excited to get a little more baby experience since it has been so long. It will really lift my spirits and I am hoping it will even help me with my loss of Liam in some ways. I can't wait to just lay a big blanket on the floor and talk baby talk and put on Baby Einstein videos again...things that I haven't done in so long! Babies always have such a joy that comes along with being around them. Seeing the world through a baby's eyes is something I have always been in awe of!
I am really looking forward to this!

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