Sunday, June 14, 2009

*fingers crossed*

I am keeping my fingers crossed for good weather for tomorrrow. Tomorrow is Jayden's Olympic Day, where he will be doing all sorts of sporting events with his classmates after a big cookout at the school! I am so excited and Jayden is, as well! The weather forecast isn't looking too good though. It looks like rain all day, with thunderstorms in the afternoon. Ugh. Here's to hoping. If the weather is bad tomorrow, the Olympic Day celebration will be moved to Tuesday. If the weather is bad on Tuesday? Who knows. I have no idea what they will do. I hope that they can figure something out so that the kids aren't too disappointed! The forecast for Tuesday is much like it is for tomorrow. Less rainy, less thunder-y, but there is the threat of that all day. The morning looks somewhat clear.

Jayden will be SO bummed if Olympic Day is cancelled tomorrow!

On to other things...I went downstairs awhile ago and there on the table, sat a big bag full of clothes. My cousin, Anne, sent them up for Jayden. Her son, Louis, is just a year or so older than Jayden (maybe a year and a half or two years, I'm not really sure, he's not much older than him though!) I love when she does this! She always buys Louis such nice things, Adidas, Nike, GAP, etc...Basically, she buys Louis all of the things that I buy Jayden. Jayden is very much a name-brand kid...he doesn't know it, and I make sure that he doesn't know it, it's just in my shopping style. Don't get me wrong, when I find something in Walmart, or Target that I think is cute, I grab it. I do not care about the name on the tags, it just usually works out that the things that Jayden and I like the looks of, tend to be from GAP, Ralph Lauren, 77kids, etc...And he loves the 'active clothing,' like Adidas windbreaker pants, Nike windbreaker pants, etc... Anne also sent up some swim trunks for Jayden. They are SUPER cute!! She also sent up one of those shirts that has sun protection in it, and helps prevent sweating in the heat. Jayden will love that. He is such an active little guy! Who knows, maybe he'll even wear that for Olympic Day! I love hand-me-downs. It works out so well! I buy Jayden so many clothes throughout the year, but Anne generally sends them just as he's transitioning out of sizes. Just at the right times! They hold us over until I can get to the mall again. Thank you Anne!

I am watching Amazing Wedding Cakes on WE (Women's Entertainment) and this show is making me SO hungry, SO eager to get married and have that amazing wedding cake. Will I get buttercream frosting? Or a fondant type? I suppose that will depend on whether Scott and I get married indoors or outdoors. I learned tonight that buttercream is sensitive to the elements...which I guess is common sense, it's just not something I ever really thought about. Fondant stays put. Sugar flowers are recommended for outdoor situations-they are made of fonant (I think, here I go talking like I know what I am saying!). Buttercream flowers...well, obviously, they're made out of buttercream frosting, just like the cakes, those should be more for indoor scenarios. But I digress...

It is 10:35pm and I am sitting here worried about tomorrow. I don't know why I am so worried about it! If Olympic Day is cancelled, then it's cancelled. Nothing I can do about it. I guess I am just worried about how Jayden will feel if the day he has looked forward to for so long, doesn't happen. It's hard seeing your little one disappointed!

OH! Here is something I wanted to make note of. It doesn't really have anything to do with anything, but our neighbors that rent from my dad are moving out. My dad placed the ad on-line today for the house next door since he will need to find new tenants to replace the old ones, and low and behold, there was a car pulling up the driveway tonight. People were JUMPING trying to see in the windows of the house. It's not even available yet! I was so annoyed. Who does things like that!? I always thought that it was common courtesy (and common sense) that when interested in a place, you contact the person renting it and figure out when you can view it. You don't just go show up, not knowing if there are still people living in it (which there ARE!), and jump to see into the windows!? Creepy. My dad sent out a general email to all of the responses he's recieved about the house that they need to contact him for viewing times, there are still tenants over there, NOT to go to the house without contacting my dad first, etc...Hopefully people listen. They probably won't though.

*UPDATE: I watched Alyvia on Friday-it went great! I am watching here again on Thursday and Friday. I was really nervous around nap time considering I haven't been around a sleeping baby since Liam, and that had me really scared. I held Alyvia most of the time so that I could feel her breathing. And I panicked when I put her down in her little bed, so she didn't lay in there too long. I felt much more comfortable feeling her breathing. And it was easier on my emotions (and my back) not to have to go over to her and feel her every minute or two, to make sure she was still breathing. I hope that with time, that part of it gets alittle easier on me--but I doubt that it will. I still check Jayden repeatedly to make sure he's still breathing and he'll be six years old next month! That will be something I never get over. The reality of SIDS is too scary for me, and I know how real it is and how it CAN happen to anybody, so experiencing it, of course, I am even more scared of it than the average person. I believe that it will help my babysitting a lot--I mean, you want a babysitter that cares enough about your child and their well-being to want to be sure that they're ok. I would hate to have a babysitter that laid my child down, left them alone for a couple of hours in another room, and maybe not know if something had happened for a couple hours after the fact. Although SIDS babies can't be revived, I don't like the idea of them being alone. And especially being alone and gone for hours before they're discovered. Ya know? So while I am sure that Alyvia will be fine, I still get scared, and I can't bring myself to even go into the other room if she's sleeping (or awake for that matter, LOL!) without her. I just can't do it. I have to make sure she's ok! I just hope that while I know it'll be something I am always worried about, always checking on, and always a wreck over, I hope that it's something that I can not panic during anymore. But who knows. That'll probably never happen.

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