Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Olympic Day!

What a day yesterday was! We got up, got ready for school and I got Jayden and Juliana (I babysit her before and after school) on the school bus-they were SO excited for Olympic Day! My mom came to my house around 9:30am and we headed over to the school way early to park because we didn't know how parking would be. We sat on the picnic tables at the playground and sipped coffee when all of a sudden, it started pouring rain!

We went into the elementary school and I asked if Olympic Day was cancelled, the office worker told me that as of then, it was still on and that all of them were hoping and praying (the kids included!) that the storms passed before the festivities were to begin. It didn't look like that was going to happen though, the forecast had rain and thunderstorms coming through all...day...long.

However, the prayers did work! That storm went through, then it was bright blue skies, sunny and it warmed right up! We were so happy! The kids were ecstatic! We thought for sure it was going to be cancelled. God sure showed us that we need to keep faith because anything is possible!

Jayden, my mom and I had lunch together. They made barbeque chicken, hot dogs, burgers, etc...for lunch and it was fantastic! We then went outside where the kids got to play on the playground until it was time for their Olympic events to begin! Jayden's team was up first. He did the torch race, which he called the "torture race" (haha!). He did great! His team got third place! My cousin, Jessica, came to watch and Jayden was so happy about that!

Afterwards, I signed Jayden out of school and my mom and I took him to the store where he picked out two toys! We came home and played until 5 or so, when we decided to get ready and head out to Canastota to my niece, Erika's game. Her team lost, but Erika made all-stars! I am so very proud of my little mini-me!

While we were there, Jayden walked up to 3 little boys and asked (very politely) if he could play with them. They shot him right down. It broke my heart! But I was so proud of him for asking like such a big, polite boy! My niece, Erika's stepmom, Jen, tried to help and introduce Jayden to the little boys,and they played together for a few minutes but then, the boys took off. *Sigh.* It's hard being a mom!

Today, I got up and got Jayden and Juliana on the school bus, came back upstairs and laid back in bed and started to watch The First 48 marathon that is on all day long. Then I got this random urge to rearrange my bedroom. I even painted. I painted the door that leads to my little balcony outside. It looks so pretty! It was red before, then a light yellow. Right now, it's like a cream color. It's really pretty! I love how it turned out. My cats are loving having that door open now that the weather is nice. The screen door is obviously shut and locked, but there is such a nice breeze through here! It feels so nice! Mario and Peach are LOVING it!

Speaking of Peach...she now lays like Mario. What a weirdo!

1 comment:

photographs and memories said...

Awww!!!! How cute, those kids! They all look so little.