Monday, June 8, 2009

relaxation? not quite!

I was going to try to take today to rest as much as possible. I knew that household chores would need to be done, but I thought that maybe I could get a couple hours of rest time in before tackling the laundry, dusting, etc... I should have known that that idea sounded too good to be true! Instead, I woke up to Jayden coughing, with a slight fever. Not a full-on fever, and he probably could have gone to school, but I got a text message this morning from Jill saying that Juliana wasn't going to school, and Jayden kept coughing, so I just thought to myself "I'll ask him what he wants to do, if he wants to stay home, I'm not going to force him to go, otherwise, I'll get a call in an hour and a half to pick him up from school once the teacher hears him coughing." I asked Jayden what he wanted to do, and at first, he said he wanted to go to school, so we got up, started getting ready and then the coughing kicked into high-gear and he changed his mind. We got back into bed for about another half an hour before we finally got up, and got ourselves ready for the day.

Monday's are our coffee days. By "our," I mean my mom, brother and myself. We sit in the corner of Dunkin Donuts and sip on coffee and chat. Jayden said he felt good enough to go, and he was hungry anyways, so we went, I got coffee and a muffin, Jayden got some food and juice and we talked it up with my mom and brother for awhile. My brother decided he would like to get Jayden something, so we ran into Target after we were finished up, and he got Jayden the Super Mario carrying case for his Nintendo DS. I got him a new Mario stylus and 6 Mario'ish cases to put his games in (although, I didn't realize until after we got home, that my boy has more than 6 DS games, oh well. At least 6 are in Mario cases).

We are now home. Home sweet home. Tonight, there is a chicken riggies benefit to raise some money for somebody in the area, I believe that they're ill--I didn't hear the full story though. We might get some riggies for dinner. Great food for a great cause!

I forgot to update on this...I was supposed to meet baby Alyvia last week, but due to some complications with Alyvia's momma's car, and then me getting sick, I still haven't been able to meet her yet. I'm hoping that I am better by tomorrow so that I can meet her and begin watching her!

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